What Is in Your Pocket?

My Gramma was full of wisdom, and love. Or maybe she was filled with love, and wisdom. Anyhow she blessed me with both. If I was headed out to a situation that might not be easy for me, someplace where there was a challenge ahead, she’d advise me, “Remember to put a little fun in your pocket.”

Her encouragement was a reminder to plan for patience, positivity, to overlook obstacles, or maybe look at them and decide to step around them, or over them instead of stubbing my emotions on them.

Her wisdom was delivered in a small, caring voice that made her words feel like a shared secret. I’ve learned there’s really no better thing to remember to put in my pocket. It takes the pressure off a situation to be perfect in order to be good. It adjusts my expectations and helps me to see that I actually have a secret weapon that I can use to change my whole outlook or approach. It provides a security that doesn’t depend on things I can’t control.

The pocket is there, the fun is in it, now it’s just up to me to “Remember," — thank you Gramma.